- Home
- ATRA Newsletters: 2016
- ATRA Newsletters: 2016
- ATRA's 2016 Legislative Program
- Deseg/OCR Funding Overview
- Legislative Session Update
- Property Taxes Top $7 Billion
- GPLET Audit Reveals Problems
- Ducey Signs Adjacent Ways Reform Bill
- Legislature Dilutes Expenditure Limits
- New Laws for Local Governments this Year
- School Finance Reform Update
- MCCD Struggles With Internal Controls
- Several ATRA Bills Pass Legislature
- MIHS Uses Bond Funds to Determine How to Spend Bond Funds
- Most ATRA 'Bad Bills' Fail in 2016
- City of Phoenix Raises Tax Rates 19%
- Comm College Spending Even
- Gila Provisional College: Audit Impossible
- Fire Districts in Desperate Need of Reform
- Pima County Wins 1% Cap Lawsuit
- MIHS Budget Still in the Red
- County Budgets Healthy in FY17
- Schools Seek $1.4 Billion in Bonds
- TNT Notices in Error
- Phoenix Provides Tax Breaks for Select Downtown Residents
- Statewide Property Taxes up $326 Million
- Most City Tax Proposals Fail
- K-12 Bonds/Overrides Pass
- Fire Districts 50/50 on Elections
- Governor Ducey Highlights ATRA Outlook
- ATRA Outlook Wrap Up
- Steve Barela Elected ATRA Chairman
- Tom Manos Given Hibbs 'Good Government' Award
- Tim Lawless Named 2016 Outstanding Member