
State Press Magazine
This system is detrimental to local government funding, especially toward K-12 education, since it relies on property taxes and voter support for overrides, McCarthy said. Overrides allow increases in property taxes that exceed the normal limits.

“The cost of the override is higher than it should be,” McCarthy said. “The more the taxpayers figure out the game that’s being played, that they’re paying taxes and other people aren’t, it undermines the legitimacy of the whole operation.”
Chamber Business News
Robert Clark
Arizona’s business community and Gov. Doug Ducey support Proposition 132, which would require ballot initiatives that seek to raise taxes to pass with at least 60% of the votes cast.

Under current law, all initiatives – including those that raise taxes – pass with a simple majority.

In arguments for the proposition published by the Secretary of State’s Office, several associations representing job creators argue that passage of Proposition 132 would guard against damage to the Arizona economy and taxpayers.
Arizona Capitol Times
Greta Forslund
This year, several transparency-related tax bills have been signed into law, each aiming to make tax issues more accessible to the public.

Sean McCarthy, senior research analyst at the Arizona Tax Research Association, said these bills were designed to improve tax law by increasing accountability.

Many transparency-focused bills are created in response to changing times or circumstances that require continued work on laws, or things legislators didn’t know were a problem, McCarthy said.
The New York Times
Joe Gose

Twenty years ago, it was unimaginable that a new residential high-rise would ever adorn the modest skyline of downtown Kansas City, Mo. But in the last three years, two luxury apartment towers have opened, and a third is planned.
The Arizona Capitol Times
Ben Giles
Sean McCarthy never dreamed of working in politics, let alone with his father, Arizona Tax Research Association President Kevin McCarthy. But after spending 11 years away from Arizona, the 33-year-old Air Force veteran and East Valley native has made a home for himself in Phoenix as a senior research analyst at ATRA, with a focus on K-12 financing.
The Arizona Capitol Times
Jennifer Stielow
Another tax season has passed and of the millions of law-abiding taxpayers who filed, many had to wonder if their private financial information would remain secure. There is ample evidence to justify taxpayer concerns about confidentiality and security. In 2013, Maricopa Community College District notified over 2 million individuals of a massive data breach and there are countless other examples that have occurred across the country.
National Post (Canada)
Kelly McParland

If the National Hockey League was a Tennessee Williams play, the Phoenix Coyotes would be Brick, the favourite of Big Daddy Gary Bettman, and the rest of the league would by Gooper, the older brother who can’t figure out why Big Daddy is so partial to Brick.
Phoenix Business Journal
Mike Sunnucks
The Arizona House of Representatives voted 50 to 8 Wednesday approving compromised changes to property tax breaks used by cities for big developments and jobs projects.

The House approved an amended version of House Bill 2231 dealing with Government Property Lease Excise Taxes.

East Valley Tribune
Jim Walsh,

The Arizona Coyotes took an important but tentative step toward their goal of playing in a new arena closer to their East Valley fan base, with an Arizona Senate subcommittee approving a financing bill.
Arizona Republic
Laurie Roberts

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.

The Arizona Coyotes want a couple of hundred million dollars in tax subsidies in order to build themselves a shiny new hockey arena.