Tax transparency bills enable public to see data

Arizona Capitol Times
Friday, April 16, 2021
Greta Forslund

This year, several transparency-related tax bills have been signed into law, each aiming to make tax issues more accessible to the public.

Sean McCarthy, senior research analyst at the Arizona Tax Research Association, said these bills were designed to improve tax law by increasing accountability.

Many transparency-focused bills are created in response to changing times or circumstances that require continued work on laws, or things legislators didn’t know were a problem, McCarthy said.

“You’ll say, ‘Hey, what if we change this part of the law,’ and then all of a sudden you’ll get 100 people raising their hand to say, ‘Yeah, we’ve been struggling with that for years, thank you for finally addressing it,’” he said. “Sometimes people will sit on their problems for years, and if you’re not the type of person who knows how to call their lawmaker, then the event might not get addressed.”