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ATRA in the News
Tucson Sentinel
A Republican bill that would rein in a controversial tax break used by municipalities to entice large development projects that cities say they need is one step closer to being sent to the governor’s desk.…
AZ Mirror
Rep. Travis Grantham, R-Gilbert, wants to reduce the amount of time a property can receive a Government Property Lease Excise Tax, or GPLET for short, from eight years down to four years.
“Make no mistake about it…the underlying policy questions still remain and will remain after this bill,” McCarthy said, adding that the tool allows for cities to pick “winners and losers” in economic development.
State Press Magazine
This system is detrimental to local government funding, especially toward K-12 education, since it relies on property taxes and voter support for overrides, McCarthy said. Overrides allow increases in property taxes that exceed the normal limits.
“The cost of the override is higher than it should be,” McCarthy said. “The more the taxpayers figure out the game that’s being played, that they’re paying taxes and other people aren’t, it undermines the legitimacy of the whole operation.”
“The cost of the override is higher than it should be,” McCarthy said. “The more the taxpayers figure out the game that’s being played, that they’re paying taxes and other people aren’t, it undermines the legitimacy of the whole operation.”