Currently, there is no guidance in statute- only a Department of Revenue guideline that
suggests County Assessors apply “Rule B” when the Full Cash Value (market value)
increases by 10% or more, or at the discretion of the County Assessor. First, the 10%
threshold is arguably too low, and as introduced, SB1248 would have allowed a more
reasonable threshold of 20%. Second, allowing assessor’s to ignore the 10% threshold and
instead use their “discretion” has led to an inconsistent application of Rule B across the
SB1248 was amended in Senate COW to address many of the assessor’s concerns they
testified to in the Finance Committee, as well as reduce the Rule B threshold to 15%. The
15% threshold is a reasonable threshold that more closely reflects the intent that Rule B be
applied only when there is a significant change to property, and more importantly, that Rule
B be applied in a consistent manner among all taxpayers across the state.